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Civilian development: smart, critical, in solidarity

The (BAE!) – List 1 in the election to the Academic Senate

“Without international peace, any more as without the will of the majority, social justice is inconceivable.”
Heinrich Mann, “Kaiserreich und Republik” (Empire and Republic), 1919.

Peace requires a ceasefire – and more.
What is needed is social emancipation and democracy as a cooperative organization of society by the majority for the majority. Therein lies the deeper meaning of education and science.
The university is challenged to further develop and unfold its activities for a reform of higher education that conveys international and social openness: For example, for a “civil clause”, for BAföG student grants for everyone, and against development hurdles within the course of studies as well as the market-based hunt for third-party funding. Cooperative education of responsible people should replace the “Study Bolognese”: science as the education for peace, sustainability, democracy, and justice.
The biggest mental and material hurdle is the “fiscal consolidation”. It limits the human ambition, it acts against the social and cultural interests of the population. Needs-based public social services in the areas of education, science, health, work, culture and cosmopolitanism require a growing solidarity movement. The ‘No’ to Olympic Games encourages the expansion of such ambitious activities. The universities already are a political factor in the city. The “Alliance for Enlightenment and Emancipation (BAE!)” acts together along these lines – particularly in the Academic Senate (AS).

Through student initiative, the AS has often positioned itself accordingly. Here, we work together for a democratic culture: In the best of cases, internally it is about problem-solving in solidarity and externally about promoting legal, financial and cultural improvements for the university as well as society.

The candidates of the BAE!-list are members of the student groups “Liste LINKS”, “harte zeiten – junge sozialisten”, “SDS *” and “Regenbogen/AL” as well as critical student council activists and other active participants: Together!
We are proactive in student representations, in the faculty councils, in the conference of the student representations of the faculties (Fachschaftsrätekonferenz = FSRK) and otherwise in the constituted student body. We share
commitment to the peace movement, to anti-fascism and against the political right-wing, to solidarity with
refugees and to the trade unions. Consciousness of our history leads us to a cooperation between members
of DIE LINKE and the SPD.
We rely on lively participation!

In solidarity,
Bündnis Aufklärung und Emanzipation – BAE!

PS: Our publications and our work in the Academic Senate are documented under www.bae-hamburg.de
There you will also find the list of candidates of the BAE!