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About us & program
Who we are:
Bündnis für Aufklärung und Emanzipation! (BAE!) (Alliance for Enlightenment and Emancipation!)
The "Alliance for Enlightenment and Emancipation! (BAE!)" is a cooperation of the following student groups: "Liste LINKS", "harte zeiten - junge sozialisten" and "SDS*" as well as many other active individuals. The use of equality, freedom and solidarity as a motor for critical reason, socially meshing cooperation and cheerful engagement is our common ambition. We firmly oppose the neoliberal and conservative policy of destroying social achievements and the spiritual-cultural heritage of humanism: peace, meaningful work, social security, cultural qualification, participation and development, education for all, productive cooperation and democratic participation are matters of humanity that concern everyone. They can be achieved together.
This is what we work to achieve in the Academic Senate (AS) at the University of Hamburg.
our program
"If the paradigm shift aspired by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development had been achieved within the last six years, the world would have been better prepared for the crisis - with better performing health systems, expanded social protection, resilience born of greater social equality and a healthier environment."
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations: Sustainable Development Goals - Report 2021.
Through enlightened engagement of the many, a better world emerges for all.
Rarely are governments and stock markets helpful in this endeavor.
The importance of education and science is growing however. Universities can and should be places for the just, civil and sustainable cultivation of humanity. They should educate, activate in solidarity and encourage.
We as students can – in connection with social movements, academically qualified and collectively engaged - create positive change above and beyond our daily life experience:
– For global justice and against the consequences of colonialism and inequality,
– for civil conflict resolution and a socio-ecological transformation,
– for open access to education and culture,
– for good medical care and preventive healthcare for all people,
– for employment protected by collective agreements (democratically co-determined!),
– for free and sustainable mobility,
– for affordable rent in good housing and
– for democratic participation of all.
This ambition creates solidarity throughout society; it is serious and cheerful at once. In doing so even egoisms, irrationality and right-wing aggressiveness must be marginalized. In order for this to succeed, we must however change a lot in the university as well. Needed is:
– more contentious discourse surrounding the - interdisciplinary - social responsibility of the sciences (discussion in solidarity with the new university leadership),
– far-reaching reform in studies (reduction of restrictions and examination pressure, extension of content, smaller study groups and cooperative forms of learning, Master’s degree as standard),
– needs-based state funding for higher education (against the state government’s intention to cut funds!),
– social security for employees and students (decent pay scales, permanent contracts and BAföG for everyone!)
– active democracy in the student body and in the academic self-administration,
– an increased self-awareness of the political-cultural relevance of the sciences.
This is what we stand up for everywhere. We invite everyone to participate!
"If we bring it about that the great multitude understands the present, then the peoples will no longer let themselves be incited to hatred and war by the pay-writers of the aristocracy, the great alliance of peoples, the Holy Alliance of Nations, will come about, we will no longer need to feed standing armies of many hundreds of thousands of murderers out of mutual distrust, we will use their swords and horses for the plough, and we will attain peace and prosperity and freedom."
Heinrich Heine, "Französische Zustände", Preface, 1832.